Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21st


Hello Sunday School Families!

This next week I'll be mailing you a packet full of goodies for Advent & Christmas, including daily Advent devotions (read more about that below), your Christmas program lines & instructions (if you committed to being involved), a craft or two, and some other goodies.

For Advent I hope you'll consider doing a Jesse Tree with your kids! 
Jesse Tree is a way of preparing for Advent by journeying through the stories on Jesus’s family tree. Each day of Advent, read a Bible story about someone on Jesus’s family tree and hang an ornament symbolizing the story on your Jesse Tree. As you decorate your tree, you’ll see how God prepared for Jesus to be born through many generations. Your packet will include ornaments that your kids can color and cut out along with a daily Jesse Tree activity book. Lastly, you can use this guide for daily family readings. You can learn more about Jesse Tree here.

Worship with us on Sunday and Thanksgiving! We are worshiping virtually only for the time being. Sunday's service is live streamed starting at 8:25 and available any time after. There's also a special community Thanksgiving worship that will be available starting Sunday night at 5:00.

Have a great weekend!
Click the photo to see the latest church updates about COVID-19.

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13th


Hello Sunday School Families!

As you may already know, we are returning to being fully virtual due to the skyrocketing covid cases in our area. You can view Pr. Tim's most recent email by clicking the covid link below. There will continue to be at home Sunday School materials offered, and you can worship with us live at 8:30 or anytime after on Sundays.

It's time to prepare for our Christmas Program! 3 year olds-5th grade can take part! 
This year we will have a virtual Christmas Program! Although it's incredibly sad we can't be together and do our normal program, we are grateful we can still feasibly put together a fantastic program to bring some light and love to our church family at Christmas.

We hope to have assigned parts and lines in the next week or so. If you haven't responded to the Christmas program sign up or received a call from Diane, please be sure to fill it out soon to let us know if your child will be involved. Thank you!

Find the sign up link below or on the app. By letting us know if your kid(s) will be involved, you will help us greatly with our planning! 

Have a great weekend!
Click the image above to let us know if you'll be involved in the Christmas Program.
Click the photo to see the latest church updates about COVID-19.

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.