Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 25th


Hello Sunday School Families!

Thanks to all the kids who had a part in Sunday's worship! It was awesome to see so many kids reading scripture, talking about their camp experiences, and dancing along to the songs. 

This week we begin the Lenten Season with our Ash Wednesday Worship. Join us at 7:00! Then the 5 Wednesdays after that we'll have supper at 6:00 and worship at 7:00. We might be having a Sunday School activity every Wednesday during Lent from 5-6; stay tuned for that.

It's time to start thinking about First Communion!
Here at First Lutheran we let kids and their families decide when it's best for them to begin taking Holy Communion. We have one Saturday morning class which is scheduled for March 21st from 9:00-11:00. Then on the morning of Palm Sunday (April 5th) the kids will bake communion bread, and then kids will take their First Communion during Maundy Thursday worship at 7:00 on April 9th. Families will also have a Seder Meal together at 6:00 before worship on April 9th. If your child is ready for First Communion, please let the office know (call 715-268-7135 or email flchurchamery@yahoo.com). 

Believe it or not, we have another party coming up on Friday, March 13th! I'd like to open parties up to Kindergartners now, too! From 5:30-8:00 we will get together for a Sham-rockin' good time! We'll learn a bit about St. Patrick and the Christian roots of St. Paddy's Day! We'll eat dinner, learn, and party! Don't forget to invite friends. Sign up by March 6th (here or on the app). Minimum attendees: 10. Free will offering.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, Feb. 26th

  • 7:00 Ash Wednesday Worship

Sunday, March 1st

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 10:15 Family Faith 5 Sunday School
    • Lesson: The Good Samaritan
      • Teachers: Carrie Schuh, Diane Amans
    • Snack Provider: Carrie Schuh

St. Paddy's Day Party!

Friday, March 13th | 5:30-8:00

Wait, didn't we just have a party? Oh well, is there ever enough?? From 5:30-8:00 we will get together for a Sham-rockin' good time! K-5th grade youth are welcome to come to come. We'll learn a bit about St. Patrick and the Christian roots of St. Paddy's Day! We'll eat dinner, learn, and party! Don't forget to invite friends! Sign up here or on the app by March 6th. Minimum attendees: 10. Free will offering.

First Communion 

  • Class: Saturday, March 21st | 9:00-11:00C

  • Communion Bread Baking: Sunday, April 5th | After Worship

  • Seder Meal: Thursday, April 9th | 6:00

  • Maundy Thursday Worship w/ First Communion: Thursday, April 9th | 7:00

Here at First Lutheran we let kids and their families decide when it's best for them to begin taking Holy Communion. If your child is ready for First Communion, please let the office know (call 715-268-7135 or email flchurchamery@yahoo.com). 

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

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