Friday, September 10, 2021

September 10th


Hello Sunday School Families!

Rally day is upon us! Join us THIS SUNDAY, Sept. 12th for 9:00 worship, fun & fellowship! This Rally Day we are collecting donations of clothing and winter gear for the schools to use as needed throughout the year. Gently used socks, pants/leggins, coats, boots, and new underwear will be collected in the Narthex.

We've got tons of FUN planned: a big 4-in-1 bounce house with a slide and tunnel, as well as an inflatable "rock and roll" activity (okay, that one may be more fun for older kids)! We'll also have build-your-own-sundaes, popcorn, and other activites!

We'll also have a brief parent meeting to start to talk about this coming year and to hand out calendars.

But wait! There's more!


As we gear up for the return of church programming, we'd like you to reply to two items when you get a chance in the next week:

First, a Back to Sunday School Survey.
We'd like to hear from you about a variety of ideas for this year, and to hopefully secure some Sunday School teachers and some volunteer event planners. This should take 3-5 minutes of your time.

Second, please fill out our annual Youth Health & Parental Waiver Form. We like to have this information on record only to be used by church staff as needed during special events or outings.  This should take only 5 minutes.

Lastly, now is a good time to update your church app, check your in-app notification settings, and make sure you're subscribed to "Sunday School" push notifications. All Sunday School and other church info can be found in the app. If you need instructions or download information, click here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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