Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 29th


Hello Sunday School Families!

We're going to Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, MN THIS SATURDAY, Nov. 2nd! Read more about it & sign up in the "Upcoming Events" below, or on the church app.

Our next Friday Night Party is coming up on November 15th! 1st-5th graders are welcome to come to our second Friday Night Party of the year. We'll have a thanksgiving feast (of sorts), talk about thankfulness, and play some games, too!  Don't forget to invite friends! Click the photo below for the sign up. Minimum attendees: 10. Sign Up Deadline: Nov. 10th. Cost: Free/Free-will offering.

We will begin our Christmas Program rehearsal this Sunday, Nov. 3th! If you haven't told us yet whether or not your child can participate, please do so by clicking the photo below. Even if your child cannot be in the program, please continue to attend on Sundays.

Lastly, if you're trick-or-treating in Amery, stop by at Liz's house! She lives on Tower street across from the Village Pizzeria; look for a white house with a lantern by the road!

Have a great week!

Saturday, Nov. 2nd

  • 9:30-2:45 Feed My Starving Children
  • See details below; you can meet us at church at 9:30 or meet us there at 11:00

Sunday, Nov. 3rd

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 10:15 Sunday School
    • Christmas Program Practice
    • Snack Provider: Anna Steen
      • Plan for 25ish; we have plenty of juice, napkins & cups. Thank you!

Feed My Starving Children

November 2nd | 9:30-2:45 | 11:00-12:30 shift

Join your church family as we volunteer at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, MN! Grab a friend, invite a neighbor, and sign up today! We hope to send a group of 25. You must be able to stand for 2 hours. Minimum age is 5; an adult must accompany kids in grades K-2. We will caravan from church at 9:30 and arrive home about 2:45. Bring some money for lunch out after we finish volunteering. Sign up here or on our app under the Upcoming Events or Sunday School Tab.

Thanksgiving Party!

November 15th | 5:30-7:30

1st-5th graders are welcome to come to our second Friday Night Party of the year. We'll have a thanksgiving feast (of sorts), talk about thankfulness, and play some games, too!  Don't forget to invite friends! Click here to sign up.  Sign Up deadline: Nov. 10th. Minimum attendees: 10. Cost: Free or Free-will offering

Christmas Program & Saturday Rehearsals

Sat., Dec. 7th 9:00-11:00 Rehearsal
Sat., Dec. 14th 9:00-11:00 Rehearsal
Sun, Dec. 15th Program During/Following Worship

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 22nd


Hello Sunday School Families!

We're going to Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, MN on Nov. 2nd! Read more about it & sign up in the "Upcoming Events" below, or on the church app.

Thanks to all who participated in the Hurricane Hike! We ended up collecting $517.95 to donate to the ELCA's Hurricane Relief Fund! The kids collected loose change at home and we collected a special offering during worship. We hiked around town and even through our neighbor church's hallways (thanks, Congo!). We are doing God's Work with Our Hands. (see more photos here). 

We also had a blast at our Reformation Party on Friday! We had a scavenger hunt around church to find Luther's Rose, played "pin the hammer to the nail" while learning about the 95 theses, played musical chairs set to Martin Luther's hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God", played a hide and seek game called "Sardines" where we looked for and hid with Martin, and lastly decorated cookies to look like Luther's Rose--the symbol of his theology! Our next Friday night party is scheduled for November 15th--sign up will be ready to go next week!

Believe it or not, but we are planning for the Christmas Program already! For us to keep planning, we need to know whether or not your child is able to be in the Christmas program. You can also look for the sign up in the app under the Sunday School tab, or on the photo below.

Have a great week!

Sunday, Oct. 27th

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
    • It's Confirmation Sunday!
  • 10:15 Sunday School
    • Lesson: Joseph & Pharoah
    • Teacher: Carrie Schuh
    • Snack Provider: Carrie Schuh
      • Plan for 25ish; we have plenty of juice, napkins & cups. Thank you!

Feed My Starving Children

November 2nd | 9:30-2:45 | 11:00-12:30 shift

Join your church family as we volunteer at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, MN! Grab a friend, invite a neighbor, and sign up today! We hope to send a group of 25. You must be able to stand for 2 hours. Minimum age is 5; an adult must accompany kids in grades K-2. We will caravan from church at 9:30 and arrive home about 2:45. Bring some money for lunch out after we finish volunteering. Sign up here or on our app under the Upcoming Events or Sunday School Tab.

Thanksgiving Party!

November 15th | 5:30-7:30

1st-5th graders are welcome to come to the next Friday Night Party! And this one is Thanksgiving themed! We'll eat dinner, learn, and party! Don't forget to invite friends! Sign up will be live next week. Sign Up deadline: Nov. 10th. Minimum attendees: 10.


Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

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