Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12th


Hello Sunday School Families!

Our next Friday (Uh, Sunday) Night Party is coming up on SUNDAY November 17th! (changed from Friday the 15th due to the Intermediate School Hoe Down). 1st-5th graders are welcome to come to our second Friday Night Party of the year. We'll have a thanksgiving feast (of sorts), talk about thankfulness, and play some games, too!  Don't forget to invite friends! Click the photo below for the sign up. Minimum attendees: 10. Sign Up Now. Cost: Free/Free-will offering.

I've created some resources for you to work on the Christmas program songs at home--you have many options; hopefully one works for your family!

  • Listen in our church App; you can even play them without having the app open!
    • Haven't downloaded the app yet? Search "First Lutheran Amery" in the app store. Click here for more detailed instructions.
  • Listen on spotify; the only downfall is that the theme song, "His Name is Jesus" is not available.
  • Listen on Youtube; the only downfall is that some of the songs have extra verses you don't need to know.

Have a great week!

Sunday, Nov. 17th

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 10:15 Sunday School
    • Come for Snack and Brief lesson/devotion!
    • Christmas Program Practice
    • Snack Provider: Shelley Fronczek
      • Plan for 25ish; we have plenty of juice, napkins & cups. Thank you!
  • 4:30-6:30 THANKSGIVING PARTY!!

Thanksgiving Party! DATE CHANGE

November 17th | 4:30-6:30

1st-5th graders are welcome to come to our second Friday (uh...Sunday!) Night Party of the year. We'll have a thanksgiving feast (of sorts), talk about thankfulness, and play some games, too!  Don't forget to invite friends! Click here to sign up.  Sign Up Now. Minimum attendees: 10. Cost: Free or Free-will offering

Christmas Program & Saturday Rehearsals

Sat., Dec. 7th 9:00-11:00 Rehearsal
Sat., Dec. 14th 9:00-11:00 Rehearsal
Sun, Dec. 15th Program During/Following Worship

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

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