Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20th


Hello Sunday School Families!

What a week! I apologize for not sending an update on Tuesday as usual. I think it'll be a Friday update for as long as we are based online. I pray you are all well and are taking serious precautions to keep your family safe.

A couple things:

  • All worships will be online until further notice. You can watch on our website or app. We'll have a link out on Facebook, too.
    • *I may request for kids or families to lead readings or other things (recorded at home) to include in our pre-recorded worships. If you'd be open to that, let me know!
  • I've created and gathered resources for at home Sunday School, devotions, and worships. It's available in the app and online. This will be updated weekly.
  • First Communion Class will be postponed until further notice.
  • Enable "Sparks" notifications in your app settings; we'll periodically send out devotions curated from our church family. You'll also be able to view sparks online. If you have a devotion you love or a favorite Bible verse of yours, please share with us so it can be a spark in the coming weeks.
  • Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 28-July 2nd--mark your calendar! I'll have an official sign up available at a later date.
Should you come across any great ideas for at home faith-based activities, please let me know so I can share with everyone!

Blessings on your week,

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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