Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28th


Hello Sunday School Families!

I feel like this week has been a strange mix of fast and slow; sometimes the day seems to whiz by, but at other times I'm's only 11:00? I can only imagine it's like that x1000 at your homes! 

On Sunday you can look forward to an interactive Children's Message during worship! Make sure you have some dry pasta ready! I'll also post a Family Faith 5 lesson & activity on our app & website; look for "At Home Sunday School". 

A couple things (these are basically the same as last week):

  • All worships will be online until further notice. You can watch on our website or app. We'll have a link out on Facebook, too.
  • I've created and gathered resources for at home Sunday School, devotions, and worships. It's available in the app and online. This will be updated weekly.
  • Enable "Sparks" notifications in your app settings; we'll periodically send out devotions curated from our church family. You'll also be able to view sparks online. If you have a devotion you love or a favorite Bible verse of yours, please share with us so it can be a spark in the coming weeks.
  • Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 28-July 2nd--mark your calendar! I'll have an official sign up available at a later date.
Should you come across any great ideas for at home faith-based activities, please let me know so I can share with everyone!

Stay Well,

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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