Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22nd

Hey Sunday School Families-

Our at home Sunday School for April 26th is ready to go--check it out here or on the app! This week we are learning about The Road to Emmaus. It includes a fun nature bingo activity! If you'd like to have print outs of the lesson mailed to you each week, please let me know. 

Don't forget to check out the children's messages on our church YouTube page in case you missed them. This last week's was interactive; grab a piece of paper and a pencil before you watch! 

This year we collected just over $400 in Sunday School offerings--thank you! The Parish Ed committee has decided to give those funds to our local Salvation Army Backpack program. 

We're still trying to come up with a few creative things for Sunday Schoolers--if you have ideas please share them. Otherwise be on the look out in the next week or two.

Stay well, 

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