Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28th

Hey Sunday School Families-

Our at home Sunday School for May 3rd is ready to go--check it out here or on the app! This week we are learning about The Early Believers. If you'd like to have print outs of the lesson mailed to you each week, please let me know. 

Also, I wanted to remind you about sending us a family photo! Here's the original message from Pr. Tim:

This Sunday, we will hear about the church being at your home.  With that mindset, we have a request for you. Can you please take a picture of yourselves at home and text it to Liz or Pastor before May 1.  We want to put another music video together with all the pictures that we receive.  We may not be together physically, but we can be together in God's Spirit. So send us a picture, inside or outside.  You can be working, playing, eating, cooking, relaxing or just taking a selfie.  We look forward to seeing your photos and celebrating our church family. Please text a picture as soon as you can, but before May 1.

And speaking of church family, we want to spread the love to our members! We thought it'd be a fun idea for kids to make a handmade letter or card to send to some of our older members, or even go and write them a nice chalk message on their side walk and deliver a flower. If you'd like to be a part of this, please reply to this email. Once we have a few willing families, I can send out more specific instructions and addresses (church can help provide paper, chalk, and flowers if needed).

Don't forget to check out the children's messages on our church YouTube page in case you missed them. This last week's we tried out some Magic Eye photos!

I've also got a fun family activity in the works that will get you out of your house and exploring our local parks...stay tuned for that!

Stay well, 

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