Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19th

Hey Sunday School Families-

Our at home Sunday School for this last Sunday and this coming Sunday is ready to go--check them out here or on the app! I believe there are two more weeks of this at home option from SparkHouse. If you ever want print outs of the lessons let me know I'll and mail them to you. Also, don't forget to check out the children's messages on our church YouTube page in case you missed them. 

The Family geocaching Adventure is still up and running! Learn more about it at http://www.flcamery.org/geo and watch this 4 minute introductory video, too! Family Treasure Hunting (Geocaching) Adventure! | First Lutheran Church | Spring 2020If sent in a completed passport, please email me and let me know...I failed to put a space on the postcard for your names so I'm receiving some back but don't know who they are from...oops!

We are also still looking for more families to write cards to our older members; we heard from a couple of you but would like some more to help out! We'll send more info out soon.

At this point we are not having VBS this summer, but we do hope to be sending home some activities for you in June or July. 
If you ever need anything from me, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'll probably stop doing weekly emails now and will just email when we have new information or materials for you. So take care and we'll see you at virtual worship!

Stay well,

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