Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May 5th

Hey Sunday School Families-

Our at home Sunday School for May 10th is ready to go--check it out here or on the app! This week we are learning about God's House. If you'd like to have print outs of the lesson mailed to you each week, please let me know. 

Don't forget to check out the children's messages on our church YouTube page in case you missed them. This last week I did a fun magic trick! Think your kids can figure out how I did it?

Next, I want to let you know about a fun family opportunity for you...

...a family geocaching adventure! This week you'll get a letter from me in the mail that fully describes what this activity entails, but in a nutshell it's a like a big treasure hunt around Amery! I hope it's a fun way for you to get outside, explore God's beautiful creation, and spend even more quality time with one another. I've hidden 6 containers in the parks and trails around Amery and you can go on a hunt for them. Each container has little "treasures" in them, and if you find all 6 you get a prize! You can visit www.flcamery.org/geo (or under the youth tab in our app) for a more in depth run down, and you can watch this 4 minute introductory video, too! Family Treasure Hunting (Geocaching) Adventure! | First Lutheran Church | Spring 2020

I've recently gone geocaching with my niece and nephew (who are both in elementary school) and it was a blast for all of us! I'm sure some of you have geocached before, but for those who haven't, it is really quite fun! Visit geocaching.com if you want to try it out "for real" (ours are not official geocaches so no one [hopefully] can find them but us...or anyone who visits our website...:D).

If you ever need anything from me, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Stay well,

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