Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11th


Hello Sunday School Families!

This Sunday is Rally Day! We invite you to outdoor worship at 9:30 (bring your own chairs/blankets), and stay for a couple rally day activities! We'll sing a couple of our old favorite songs, play a game, decorate outside the church, and enjoy ice cream sundaes and popcorn!
If you haven't done so already, please fill out our annual health & parent waiver form for our records and for the safety of your kids while at church functions. You can click the image below to fill out now, or find it anytime on our website and app under the Sunday School page.
Lastly, as we are figuring things out for the fall/winter, we'd love to have your input on what our Sunday School programming looks like this year given the unique circumstance we are living through. Please reply with your thoughts and feedback--the more we hear from you the better we can serve our kids! If you'd rather, you can fill out your thoughts by clicking here. Keep in mind our programming will adhere to guidelines put in place by the CDC and the Polk County Health Department.

Stay well, everyone!

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17

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