Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 15th


Hello Sunday School Families!

Thanks to everyone who came out for Rally Day! It was good to be back! Outside we sang a couple of old favorite songs and then broke out the noodles to play tag with! Then everyone was sent off with popcorn, sundaes, and chalk. We'll continue to gather for Sunday School at about 10:15 following our 9:30 outdoor worship. For the time being we'll have songs, snacks, a story, game, and a take home activity.

This Sunday, Sept. 20th, is Bible Sunday! 3 year olds, 3rd graders, and 6th graders will receive new Bibles at church. And if you're a new family or somehow missed getting new Bibles in the past, you can participate, too! If you're unable to be at church on Sunday, we will keep Bibles here for you to pick up.

We encourage you to come to 9:30 worship as a family! Bring chairs and blankets and maybe a warm drink. If it's rainy, worship will be moved inside (though we are trying to limit indoor worship to 50 people). Regardless of weather, we'll meet for Sunday School at 10:15.
We are bringing back the ever popular MYSTERY KID! On Sunday mornings we will read fun facts about the kids, and the rest of the Sunday Schoolers will try and guess who it's about! Fill out mystery kids forms on the app under the Sunday School page, or by clicking the image below!
If you haven't done so already, please fill out our annual health & parent waiver form for our records and for the safety of your kids while at church functions. You can click the image below to fill out now, or find it anytime on our website and app under the Sunday School page.

Stay well, everyone!

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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