Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 11th

 Hello Sunday School Families!

It's been a while since I've been in touch; I hope your return to school has been positive for all!

I've put together little Valentine goodie bags for all the 3 year old to 5th grade kids. My hope was to give them out at school today but it turns out I'm unable to do that (I didn't realize treats needed to be "quarantined" for 3 days before giving them to kids!). 

SO, I've place the valentine bags at the north door of the church and I invite you to come and pick one up for your kids today after school today. Those that are not picked up today will delivered tomorrow. If you want, you could even grab some for other church kids who may live near you. I'll include a checklist--check off your names as you take them. 

I'll be in touch next week, too, about another take home activity box for Lent. 

Stay well and stay warm!

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