Friday, February 19, 2021

February 19th


Hello Sunday School Families!

Most of you have picked up your Lent-in-a-Box, but if you haven't we will send it home with your kids from school early next week. If you want to pick them up from church, let us know today (Friday) and we'll hold them for you instead of bringing them to school. 

My Sunday kids' messages will relate to the activities in the box for the next five weeks, so in these weekly emails I'll include a link to that video, as well as the videos referenced in the discussion guides from your box. All these materials will also be posted on the At Home Sunday School page on our app and website so it's easy and convenient to find.

Have a great week!

Lent-in-a-Box Week 1: Prayer Pretzels

Watch this week's kids' message about the first week of Lent!
Here's the first video referenced in your discussion guide: "The Temptation of Jesus"
Here's the second video referenced in your discussion guide. "Pretzels: A Brief History"

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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