Friday, October 1, 2021

October 1st


Hello Sunday School Families!

This Sunday, Oct. 3rd, we'll have regular class following worship. We hope to see you there!

Starting the next Sunday, Oct. 10th, we will dismiss Sunday School kids after the children's sermon to attend Sunday School.
Because we aren't having a big Fellowship Hour these days, we thought this would work better for families. We encourage families to come to worship together! If you can't quite make it to worship, we'd plan on starting Sunday School around 9:45 and be finished by 10:30 or so. We'll try this and see how we like it! 

On Oct. 24th we are hoping to have a Fall Family Fun day after church! I'm looking for a few parents who would be interested in meeting to help plan this event. A couple indicated on our back-to-school survey they'd be willing to help but we could use two more! Please reply to this if you are willing, then we'll plan to meet next week to get the ball rolling. Thanks in advance!

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 3rd

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 10:15  Sunday School
    • Lesson: The First Sin or The Burning Bush
    • Teachers: Carrie Schuh & Diane Amans
    • Snack Provider: Carrie Schuh

Sunday, Oct.10th

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 9:45ish Sunday School dismissed
    • Lesson: The First Sin or The Burning Bush
    • Teachers: Carrie Schuh, Diane Amans
    • Snack Provider: Carrie Schuh
  • 10:30 Annual Meeting

Fall Family Fun Day!

Sunday, October 24th 

Details coming soon! We are looking for parent volunteers to help plan this family event. Please let us know if you are willing to help! We'll meet the first week of October to get the ball rolling.

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

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