Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 7th


Hello Sunday School Families!

This Sunday, Oct. 10th, we will dismiss Sunday School kids after the children's sermon to attend Sunday School. Because we aren't having a big Fellowship Hour these days, we thought this would work better for families. We encourage families to come to worship together! If you can't quite make it to worship, we'd plan on starting Sunday School around 9:35 and be finished by 10:30 or so. We'll try this and see how we like it! 

At 10:30 this Sunday we will also have our Annual Meeting. We encourage all members to attend! It'll be held in the sanctuary.

We are starting to think about what the Christmas program will look like this year, so I've put together our annual Christmas program participation survey.
We ask that EVERYONE fills out this survey whether or not you plan to participate. This will help us greatly in our planning.

Also, you may have heard by now that I am resigning as Youth Director at church; you can see my full announcement from the weekly church email you received this morning. I will remain around to help through the end of October, and still hope to be involved in our church family. To make this transition easier for everyone, it would be wonderful to have more parents involved on our Youth & Parish Education committee or to volunteer to teach on Sunday mornings. It's a great group of people who want the best for all our kids, and we always welcome more to be involved! Please let any one of us know ways in which you might want to be involved.

Have a great week!

Sunday, Oct.10th

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 9:35ish Sunday School dismissed
    • Lesson: The First Sin or The Burning Bush
    • Teachers: Carrie Schuh, Diane Amans
    • Snack Provider: Carrie Schuh
  • 10:30 Annual Meeting

Sunday, October 17th

  • 9:00 Worship with your family
  • 10:15  Family Faith 5 Sunday School
    • Lesson: The First Sin or The Burning Bush
    • Snack Provider: Needed or Leftovers

Fall Family Fun Day!

Sunday, October 24th 

Details coming soon! We are looking for parent volunteers to help plan this family event. Please let us know if you are willing to help! We'll meet the first week of October to get the ball rolling.

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known.
John 17

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