Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 1st


Hello Sunday School Families!

We are changing things up!
Beginning THIS SUNDAY, Oct. 4th, Sunday School will meet at 9:15 just before our 9:30 worship. The kids will do some or all of the following depending on the day: watch and talk about the weekly kid's message, read a short story or book, play a quick game, pick up a snack and the weekly take home lesson & activity. Please note this is a different and updated plan than the you received a couple days ago. We hope this change will be good for families since we are avoiding the fellowship hour after worship due to Covid. 

Sunday School Recap & At Home Family Faith 5
This last Sunday was pretty relaxed because there were only a couple of kids; we had fun with a parachute and watched the weekly kid's message. We sent home the weekly Family Faith 5 Sheet for you to do together as a family. If you weren't here to get a sheet have no worries! They are available on our At Home Sunday School page online and on our app (youth>sunday school>at home sunday school).

We hope to see you this next Sunday for more faith & fun! If you can't make it we will continue to provide at home materials for you.

Keep scrolling to find links for Mystery Kid, Youth Health/Waiver forms, & At Home Sunday School.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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