Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14th


Hello Sunday School Families!

This Sunday we will not have in person worship or Sunday School, following a couple of COVID-19 cases in our church. Here's yesterday's message from Pr. Tim if you missed it: 

Dear Church Family,

Covid-19 has come into our building and into the lives of some of our members. Please pray for our church family and especially for our quilting group, that the virus may not infect anyone else and that those who are sick can quickly recover.  We pray for them, and for all of us, for good physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.  

At this time, we are closing all in-person gatherings at First Lutheran until further notice. Our church council will decide how we should proceed in the future. If you have questions, please speak to a council member or email our office.

We hope that you will continue to be safe wherever you go, wear your masks and try not to have in-person gatherings.

Thanks and blessings, Pastor Tim

However, we will still make the weekly Family Faith 5 available on our Sunday School at home page on our app and website, so be sure to check that out (links below). We'll continue to offer virtual worship.

Sunday School Recap & At Home Family Faith 5
This last Sunday we watched the kid's message about rejoicing in the Lord, and how when we rejoice we can share God's joy with others. Then we decorated God's Love clothes pins! On the clothes pins we wrote "God's Love" on one side, and "Pass it on!" on the other side. Then we tried to sneakily stick those to random people's clothes so they can find and pass on God's love later.

We sent home the weekly Family Faith 5 Sheet for you to do together as a family. If you weren't here to get a sheet have no worries! They are available on our At Home Sunday School page online and on our app (youth>sunday school>at home sunday school).

Have a wonderful Wednesday and long weekend!

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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