Friday, October 30, 2020

October 30th


Hello Sunday School Families!

This Sunday we will be back to meeting at 9:15 prior to the 9:30 family worship, but we will be in the upstairs Sunday School room. We hope to see you there! But of course we have virtual options for those of you choosing to worship or do Sunday School at home. You can find all of that on our app and website, using the links below. You can also find our latest COVID update linked below.

It's time to prepare for our Christmas Program! 3 year olds-5th grade can take part! 
This year we will have a virtual Christmas Program! Although it's incredibly sad we can't be together and do our normal program, we are grateful we can still feasibly put together a fantastic program to bring some light and love to our church family at Christmas.

We will keep it mostly basic and focus primarily on scripture from Luke telling the story of the birth of Jesus. And if kids/families are willing, we also hope to have some music, too (sing a song or play something on an instrument). More details will be coming in the next couple of weeks. But for now, we need to know who all is willing to be involved! We hope ALL of you will be! 

If your child is involved, we will depend on you to take a "home video" for us to use (cell phone video is fine). We will send out their parts (mostly reading from scripture), and you just need to send that short video into us, then we'll edit everything together. By nature of the virtual program, all parts will be speaking parts. For younger kids, the lines will be easy and can just be spoken by you off camera and repeated by them on camera. 

Find the sign up link below or on the app. By letting us know if your kid(s) will be involved, you will help us greatly with our planning!

Have a great weekend!

PS: If your family is choosing to trick or treat this year, you're welcome to come find my house!
I'd love to see the kids' spooky/cute/gross/punny costumes (and everything in between)! Plug in 138 Tower Street, Amery into maps and it'll bring you right to my front door.
Click the image above to let us know if you'll be involved in the Christmas Program.
Click the photo to see the latest church updates about COVID-19.

Have a great week!

Our mission is to know Jesus and to make Jesus known. 
John 17
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